This first workshop will be an exploration of beginnings; This workshop is specifically crafted to bring attention to starting points: if there are patterns, habits, or situations you would like to begin anew, this evening is a place to initiate that. The practice and contemplation will be accompanied by Marsha Bentami with crystal bowls and instruments. We will move, breathe, rest, and align.
Sadhana is a dedicated practice toward fulfillment of being. Join Magi for these Friday evening sessions wherein the physical focus will be used as a platform and bridge to examine the inner (mental/subtle) space. Each month will be a different focus. These evenings are workshop-style: there will be a concise asana (posture) practice to establish a physical platform, simple ceremony (including meditation, chanting, elements/directions work), and discussion/contemplation around the topic for the evening.
Magi Pierce is a long-time teacher at Kula Yoga Project. For the last decade-plus, her insightful teaching has facilitated students’ self-study by melding the paths of astute anatomical focus with open-hearted devotion and intention. She created these evenings to make retreat and teacher training experiences/topics more accessible to everyone. The philosophical and spiritual maps and practices are not only a complement, but a necessary context for physical practice.
$30 / no refunds for online purchases / questions? call Kula at 212 945 4460.