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I accept myself, my life, each moment, exactly as it is.

This is my first blog entry....short & hopefully sweet.

The above title is inspired by a great quote by Tara Brachs.

It is part of a letter I wrote to the participants of a Workshop I co-created with Mel Russo. She taught a beautiful Asana class, followed by my creating a Sound Meditation on 01/14.18.

Know that there is no right or wrong way…only what is.

You have given an important & beautiful gift to yourself (& those you encounter), by making space to trust & listen deeply within, & profoundly connect to the energy of life.

Nurture this gift & watch it thrive.


“The instant we agree to feel fear, vulnerability, greed, or agitation, we are holding our life with an unconditionally friendly heart”

Tara Brachs.

“So walk with your heaviness, saying yes, YES to the sadness, yes to the whispered longing. Yes to the fear. Love means setting aside walls, fences, & unlocking doors, & saying yes. One can be in paradise by simply saying yes to this moment.”

Pat Rodegast.

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